Balanced Justice Network – Changing the System


Changing The System 

Currently Profiling & Advocating for the Immediate Release of Mitchell E. Finlay 

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Ban the Box, One Example of Second Chances

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The “Ban the Box” movement is one example of a successful initiative that promotes Second Chance policies. This initiative aims to combat discrimination against individuals with criminal records when it comes to employment. The idea behind “Ban the Box” is to remove the question regarding criminal history from job applications in order to provide individuals with a fair chance of employment. This initiative has been gaining significant momentum in recent years, with multiple states and cities passing laws in support of it. Second Chance policies help Individuals leaving incarceration build financial security.

As reported by CAP, Center for American Progress, “Without employment, it is nearly impossible for returning citizens to access basic necessities—including housing, food, and clothing—that would help them stabilize their lives and meet their own and their families’ needs. This cycle of deprivation is compounded, in some states, by a lack of access to government supports such as housing, food, cash assistance, and health care, which are unavailable to certain returning citizens depending on the nature of their record.

In the United States, there has been a growing movement surrounding the topic of criminal justice reform, specifically regarding the issue of providing second chances. The concept of second chances is not a new one, but it has gained new prominence in recent years due to a shift in public perception that focuses on reducing recidivism rates and promoting rehabilitation rather than punishment.

The criminal justice system has long been plagued by issues of systemic racism and the over criminalization of minor offenses. As a result, many individuals who have been incarcerated face significant barriers to reentering society and finding employment, housing, and other necessities.

In recent years, various initiatives have been implemented to provide second chances to individuals who have been involved with the criminal justice system. These initiatives aim to help individuals who have been incarcerated reintegrate into society and become productive members of their community.

A second chance can come in many different forms, ranging from job training programs, to education, to drug and alcohol treatment. The focus is less on punishment and more on preventing the cycle of recidivism that so many individuals who have been incarcerated experience.

Another example of successful criminal justice reform that provides second chances is the “drug court” system. This system diverts individuals who have been charged with drug offenses into a treatment program instead of incarcerating them. The program allows individuals the opportunity to receive treatment while avoiding the harsh consequences of a criminal conviction, such as limited access to employment and housing.

Ultimately, the goal of criminal justice reform and providing second chances is to create a safer and more equitable society for all individuals. By focusing on rehabilitation and prevention, rather than punishment, we may be able to break the cycle of recidivism and help individuals who have been involved in the criminal justice system find a path to a better life.

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